St Michael's Policy
The Governors and staff at St Michael’s School are united in their belief that regular school attendance is the key to enabling children to maximise the educational opportunities available to them. Helping them to become emotionally resilient, confident and competent adults who are able to realise their full potential and make a positive contribution to their community. We set high expectations about attendance from Nursery to Year 6. If your child has a place at our Nursery School we expect your child to attend. Your child can only learn if they are at school.
It is the child’s right to attend, not their parent’s right to keep their child at home.
St Michael’s School values all children. As set out in this policy we will work with families to identify the barriers to achieving and maintaining excellent attendance and offer the right service at the right time to try to resolve any difficulties.
We will monitor attendance and use attendance data to identify any patterns of concern, whilst also celebrating success! Attendance concerns will be raised with parents if reasons are not known by the school, e.g. a long period of illness, this information may be shared with the Local Authority following concerns. Where we have concerns, or lack of engagement from families to improve attendance, we will follow the schools escalated approach to improving attendance. The schools escalated approach is child-centred and prioritises support and developing strong working relationships with families. We will use the early help process to provide support prior to escalation and consider how we can work with families to enable your child to access their right to education.
Our aim is to always to work in partnership with parents and any referral for consideration of a penalty notice is deemed to be a last resort at St Michael’s School. Attendance figures for each child will be reported to parents as part of the annual report, we will also share a child’s attendance profile if we have concerns regarding a child’s attendance. Throughout the school year we will report on the overall attendance figures for children groups, this will be closely monitored for support and reported to the Governing Body.
Attendance Support
We will always support children during each stage of our Attendance Support Map. If there is lack of engagement, or concerns regarding the reason for absence, we will follow the Attendance Map to ensure we prioritise a child’s learning and right to education.
Where a child’s attendance improves we will write to Parents to alert them to this.
Everyone | 4 days | 7 days absence | 10 days absence | 13 days absence | 16 days absence | 19 days absence |
Burley Gate is a place where every child belongs. We create welcoming environments to allow all children to have a sense of belonging and ultimately achieve academically through regular attendance | Concerning level of absence. Internal monitoring. Stage 1 letter to Parents to alert them of this policy and to offer support. Internal intervention considered as a preventative measure. Consider Early Help. | Serious concerns regarding attendance. Stage 2 letter sent to invite them into school for a meeting. Explore barriers and implement a programme to remove barriers. Early Help support offered and/or received. | The child is at risk of persistent absence. Stage 3 letter may be sent to Parents where attendance at a meeting is required. Review support given to date. Early Help offered. | The child is at risk of persistent absence. Formal notice warning sent to Parents. Continued internal /external support. Multi-disciplinary assessment considered. Stage 4 may be sent. | The school will work with the attendance team at LA if needed. All avenues have been exhausted and support is not working. The school will now consider enforcing attendance through statutory powers to protect the child’s right to an education. | The child is now persistently absent. This happens when a child’s absence is at 10% of sessions. The child will now be Persistently absent for the whole of the school year. Safeguarding referrals can be considered. |
Expect | Monitor | Listen & Understand | Facilitate support | Facilitate support | Formalise support | Enforce support |