Spirituality in our school
What is spirituality?
Spirituality is a difficult thing to define! At St Michael’s we believe it is fundamental to our mental and physical well-being (for children and adults too), but is not exactly the same as those things. It is not necessarily tied to a religious belief. People of faith and people of no faith can be deeply spiritual. We have defined spirituality as this:
'Spirituality starts as a small seed that grows with awe and wonder and allows us to live life in all its fullness'
How do we nurture spirituality at St Michael’s Primary?
- Our school Christian values are taught, lived out and celebrated. We focus on exploring each deeply over a half term, sharing stories from both the Bible and other texts that inspire us to live out a version of each value in our lives.
- We make sure there are times of peace and for reflection in the school day.
- We spend time in special places such as St Michael’s Church and other places of worship e.g The Priory.
- We share art, music, stories and poems together.
- We share moments of awe and wonder.
- We encourage respectful debate and questioning and make sure children feel secure enough to ask those 'big' questions.
- We foster a love of creation through our school grounds including our outdoor reflection space and through school visits.
- We encourage the spirit of 'courageous advocacy' and standing up for what we believe in, such as our 'School Council' and 'Worship Leaders' making small changes on our school site to help protect our precious planet.
- We share different ways of exploring spirituality in worship e.g. looking at different religious art and icons, using candles, holding worship outside.
- We practice gratitude - we take time to give thanks and show thanks for the things, the actions and the people that bring us joy.
- We learn about our feelings, how to recognise them and live with them.
- We foster reflective thinking through our collective worship, RE and PSHE activities linked to our Christian values and vision, encouraging us to look inward at our own behaviour and thoughts, outward at the wonderful world around us and considering actions of ourselves and others which make a difference moving forward.
- Through our school vision of ‘Growing and Learning Together’, we foster kindness, appreciation and love for others, supporting all children and adults in our school to flourish together.
We take every opportunity to provide opportunites for our children to learn and grow outside.
The changing seasons and the natural world inspire a sense of awe and wonder in the children and help them develop a greater appreciation of nature and their place in it.
For further information to accompany the animation to help support the spiritual development of your child, please see the document below: