History at St Michael’s CE Primary School
As Historians we want children to enjoy enquiry, learn from and about the past, who understand chronology and who have the skills to weigh up and interpret evidence. We aim to ensure our children become critical, curious thinkers who have a sound understanding of the substantive strands which run as a thread throughout our curriculum.
In history, these strands are:
Alongside this, we have also developed our history curriculum in order to develop our children's disciplinary knowledge. This refers to knowledge about how historians and others study the past and how they construct historical claims, arguments and accounts.
History recommended reads:
Love all things history? Then perhaps you might like to consider reading one of my recommended reads:
Useful websites:
Ology: A website that explains how we can learn about the past using artefacts. There are games, videos, stories and ideas to try at home all linked to different times in history
The BBC website is full of useful clips about different periods of history and significant people from our past.
Key stage 2 (Years 3 - 6)
Key stage 1 (Years 1 and 2)
Tricky vocabulary?
You may wish to play these games with a parent/carer to help with your understanding of the words and phrases.
See if you can work in pairs to describe without naming or draw pictures to help your partner guess your historical word. It is trickier than it sounds.
Example words:
Change | Century | Decade |
Present | Past | Secondary source |
Primary source | Stone age | Year |
Month | Invade | Settle |
You may want to print the words out and face them upside down. Can you turn them over and explain their meaning? Remember you can always use a dictionary to help you If you get the meaning correct, you get to keep the card. See if you can play against someone, the winner is the person who keeps the most vocabulary cards.