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Bitterley C of E  Primary School

ST. MICHAEL'S CE Primary School


Get In Touch

School Clubs

Sunrise Club and Sunset Club (Term-time)


Sunrise Club (Breakfast Club) is open every morning from 8.00 am; the cost is £2.00 per child. Children from Nursery to Year 6 are welcome.


Sunset Club (After School Club) is available on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays until 5.15pm, and on Fridays until 4.30 pm. The cost per child is £3.50 until 4.30 pm or £5.50 until 5.15 pm.   


Reception- Year 6

Every Wednesday we have a variety of Sports Clubs available (free of charge) until 4,30pm. and every Thursday we offer 'Spotlight Club' until 4.30pm (free of charge).


Please contact the Office for more information.